Portal disseminates data and information to support EPA’s process to designate new ocean disposal site (September 25)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated an Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site at Isles of Shoals North (IOSN) to serve Maine, New Hampshire, and the northern Massachusetts coastal region. Last year, EPA released the Draft IOSN for public comment and worked with the Northeast Regional Ocean Council to post data and information about the proposed site on the Northeast Regional Ocean Data Portal. Materials included links to the Draft Environmental Assessment and Evaluation Study (Draft EA), as well as interactive versions of maps in the Draft EA that included several datasets from the Portal. Public comments received by EPA on the Draft EA also referenced data and information on the Portal.
Nature article highlights Portal as innovative data source for ocean management (June 26)
A new paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution by ocean experts from Europe, Asia, South America, and the US emphasizes the need for transparency, locally focused solutions, and “new, innovative ways of extracting data” for ocean management, citing the Northeast Ocean Data Portal as an example.
Partnership between NROC, MARCO, and RODA underway to update and improve Northeast and Mid-Atlantic commercial fisheries data products (January–October 2020)
The Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) are partnering with the Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA) to engage commercial fishermen in the development of updated maps and data for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portals. Learn more
US Coast Guard Public Comment Period: Northern New York Bight PARS (Closed August 28)
The Coast Guard solicited public comment on a Port Access Route Study (PARS) for the Northern New York Bight. The Data Portal supported this process by providing online maps of the PARS study area and by helping to raise public awareness of the comment period and virtual public meetings.