Northeast Ocean Data Portal Newsletter • October 2019
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Data Updates

Updated datasets can be viewed on the Data Explorer map, and most are available in downloadable databases or map services on the Data Download page.
Navigation – Isles of Shoals North Disposal Site (Proposed)
  • Added new map layer with boundaries for a proposed new ocean dredged materials disposal site located approximately 10.8 nautical miles east of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
  • Public comment period on this proposed area ends October 18. Click here for more details.
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Habitat – Submarine Canyons and Deep-Sea Coral Habitat
  • Added a submarine canyons map layer 
  • Replaced the deep-sea coral habitat suitability layers with new versions
  • Public comment period on the proposed Omnibus Deep Sea Coral Amendment ends October 25. Click here for more details.
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Commercial Fishing – Management Areas
  • Added Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Regulated and Exempted Areas
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Marine Transportation – Navigation
  • Updated with the latest information and enhanced with improved visualizations
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Next Anticipated Data Updates (Dates TBD)

Commercial Fishing
National Marine Fisheries Service Statistical Areas

High-resolution bathymetry products for the Gulf of Maine

Energy and infrastructure
Ongoing updates to planning areas, lease areas, proposed projects, and infrastructure

Updated information from the state of Massachusetts and other states if available

Offshore wind speed
Updated data from NREL/BOEM

Marine life and habitat
Diving bird movement data products
Loggerhead sea turtle movement data products
USGS Seabed stress and mobility

Portal in Action

National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) Meeting (Sept 17)
Emily Shumchenia of the Northeast Ocean Data Portal team was invited to participate in a panel discussion about how open data and collaboration in Regional Ocean Partnerships improve energy planning.

“Ocean Observations for Everyone” (EOS) (Sept 12)
An article in EOS discussed the Northeast Ocean Data Portal as an example of how involving “end users of information in the early stages of projects” makes it more likely that projects will create “lasting and useful products.”   

Webinar Recording

To introduce new data and maps of fish and cetaceans along the U.S. Atlantic coast, the Northeast Ocean Data Portal hosted a public webinar on July 31, 2019, in coordination with the Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT) and the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal. The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing.

News Items

New maps support public comment period for proposed new disposal site for dredged materials off New Hampshire

Improved maps and data support public comment period for New England Fishery Management Council Omnibus Deep-Sea Coral Amendment

Public Marine Life Webinar to be hosted by Northeast Ocean Data Portal, Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, and MDAT

Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Management Areas Added to Data Explorer and Deep-sea Coral Habitat Maps Revised

Updates and New Visualizations for Navigation-related Data in Marine Transportation Theme

Upcoming Portal Events

Oct. 22-23: AWEA Offshore Windpower 2019 Conference, Boston MA

Nov. 4-8: Gulf of Maine 2050 Symposium, Portland, ME

Nov. 4-8: Coastal States Organization Fall Meeting, South San Padre Island, TX

Nov. 21-22: NOAA Office for Coastal Management and Integrated Ocean Observing System Regional Ocean Data Sharing Workshop, Charleston SC

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