New Maps Show Estimated Forces of Ocean Waves and Currents on Seabed
The US Geological Survey (USGS) developed the Sea Floor Stress and Sediment Mobility Database to estimate bottom shear stress, a force at the seabed created by ocean waves and currents. Bottom stress influences physical, geological, and biological processes and is...
Vineyard Wind 1 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) – Shipping Lanes & All Vessel Transit Counts (2017)
Current Issues Map Galleries Current Issues Map Galleries | Offshore Wind Vineyard Wind 1 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) – Shipping Lanes & All Vessel Transit Counts (2017) Launch interactive map Shareable link to interactive map:...
Offshore Wind Lease Areas, Operational Installations & Abundance of Birds with Higher Sensitivity to Displacement by Offshore Wind Farms
Current Issues Map Galleries Current Issues Map Galleries | Offshore Wind Offshore Wind Lease Areas, Operational Installations & Abundance of Birds with Higher Sensitivity to Displacement by Offshore Wind Farms Launch interactive map Shareable link to...