
This map shows data for a fish species. Most of the fish species maps were developed by the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) through a partnership with the Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT) using data from NEFSC, the OceanAdapt project, the state of Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MDMF) trawl, the states of Maine and New Hampshire (ME/NH) trawl and the North East Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (NEAMAP) trawl. MDAT collaborated with the Northeast Regional Ocean Council and expert work groups to produce maps characterizing the predicted distribution and abundance of cetacean species or species guilds, or bird species; or the surveyed biomass of fish species.

Some of the fish species maps were developed by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) from the Long Island Sound Trawl Surveys (LISTS) for 61 fish species and 3 invertebrate species. There are 22 species in the LISTS trawl dataset that were not mapped in the MDAT datasets. The MDAT species lists are based on fish species presence in the NOAA NEFSC trawl dataset.

Each set of fish trawl data sources has used standardized survey designs and data collection methodologies, but some have used different vessels and gears over time. Results have been normalized to account for these vessel and gear differences within each data source. However, no method has yet been applied to normalize data across the different sources. For that reason, data from the different sources are presented separately.

Data Considerations

Some of these maps contain information about federally protected species. Additional information about the distribution, abundance, and range of species listed under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is available at:

When selecting a species in the legend, the species name will appear grey if there were zero tows that caught that species for the selected survey, with the exception that for the LISTS data, the species name will appear grey if that species was caught on fewer than 6 fall tows.

For more details about the mapping approach and methodology, including information about vessels, gear types, and species catchability (excluding the LISTS data), see the MDAT Technical Report on the Methods and Development of Marine-life Data.

These maps represent one set of many available sources of information that inform our current understanding of species distribution and abundance in the Northeast region. Other sources of information on fish species that complement the data shown here include:

A more complete listing of additional data sources for fish in the context of ocean planning can be found in the Northeast Ocean Plan, Appendix 2.


Any use of the fish maps and data in this viewer should be accompanied by the following citations:

NEFSC products: Ribera, M., Pinsky, M., Richardson, D. 2019. Distribution and biomass data for fish species along the U.S. east coast from about Cape Hatteras north to Canadian waters, created by The Nature Conservancy for the Marine-life and Data Analysis Team. Online access: http://www.northeastoceandata.org/data-explorer/?fish

MDMF, MENH, NEAMAP products: Fogarty, M., Perretti, C. 2016. Distribution and biomass data for fish species along the U.S. east coast from about Cape Hatteras north to waters in the state of Maine, created by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center for the Northeast Regional Ocean Council. Online access: http://www.northeastoceandata.org/dataexplorer/?fish

LIS products: Gottschall, KF, and DJ Pacileo (2014) A study of recreational fisheries in Connecticut. State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. http://www.ct.gov/deep/lib/deep/fishing/publications/2014_marine_fisheries_division_long_island_sound_trawl_survey.pdf

Curtice C., J. Cleary, E. Shumchenia, and P.N. Halpin. 2019. Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT) Technical Report on the Methods and Development of Marine-life Data to Support Regional Ocean Planning and Management. Prepared on behalf of the Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT). Accessed at: http://seamap.env.duke.edu/models/MDAT/MDAT-Technical-Report.pdf.

Marine-life Data Analysis Team (MDAT; Patrick Halpin, Earvin Balderama, Jesse Cleary, Corrie Curtice, Michael Fogarty, Brian Kinlan, Charles Perretti, Marta Ribera, Jason Roberts, Emily Shumchenia, Arliss Winship). Marine life summary data products for Northeast ocean planning. Version 3.0. Northeast Ocean Data. http://northeastoceandata.org. Accessed MM/DD/YYYY.


Source: Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) Ecosystems Dynamics and Assessment Branch and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Data sourced from fall and spring 2010-2019 bottom trawl surveys performed by NEFSC Ecosystem Surveys Branch, Northeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (2007-2014), Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (1978-2014), and the Maine Department of Marine Resources and New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (2000-2014). These products represent the results of aggregating and interpolating trawl point data along the US east coast from North Carolina to Maine. For more information about NEAMAP, MDMF, and MENH map products, please contact Michael Fogarty (NOAA NEFSC, michael.fogarty@noaa.gov). For information about the mapping procedure for the NEFSC base-layer products, please contact David Richardson (NOAA NEFSC, david.richardson@noaa.gov).

Source: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), Marine Fisheries Division. Data sourced from fall (Sept–Oct) Long Island Sound Trawl Surveys (LISTS) conducted by CT DEEP (1992­–2014). (1992–2014). For more information: P.O. Box 719,
Old Lyme, CT 06371 United States; (860) 434-6043; deep.marine.fisheries@ct.gov.


These data products were revised according to agency and public feedback and were posted on the Northeast Ocean Data Portal in September 2021.